‘ĀKIHEUHO (ATHWA) was incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 25 July 2005 as a result of a request by a group of Tongans working in the health sector.  However, the group was formed two years prior to being officially incorporated, after competency workshops sponsored by Waitemata DHB. Hence it has been 13 years since our Association was established in 2003.

Since the last Annual General Meeting in October 2015 there has been a lot of development in all aspects and facets of ATHWA as an organisation. ATHWA has moved from a network body to a service delivery organisation, and still adhere to its vision of creating a “thriving and prosperous Tongan community in Aotearoa”. Here are some of the highlights since the last AGM:

  • Partnership with Pacific Futures and relationship continues to be strengthened. Continue to deliver on the Whanau Ora contract and to support 150 Tongan Families.
  • Provide immediate response and support to the tragedies that happened at Katikati (5 men died on road accident) and Kaipara (4 men drowned during a fishing trip). The loss of 9 lives from these 2 events had profound effects on our Tongan community both here in NZ and elsewhere. Working in agreement with Pacific Futures, members of ATHWA were able to assist the Tongan community at Katikati, led by Faifekau ‘Ifalemi Teisi, Faifekau Paula Latu, Secretary Pakilau ‘o ‘Aotearoa, Treasurer Tasi ‘Ahio and supported by TAASA interim secretary, Viliami Liava’a. Regarding the tragedy at Kaipara, we are currently working together with Tongan Community liaison officer, Constable Patrick ‘Aseli Ikuvalu Nofo’akifolau to plan a support package for deceased families and also one of the survivors.
  • Utilising shared management with TOA Pacific as agreed on the MOU documents. There were a number of challenges in the area of operations during this period and a lot of learning aspects as well. The management committee (MC) had to make some tough decisions, but always with our Tongan community in the centre of any decision made.
  • The MC decided to move ATHWA operation and location to our new office, unit 8/ 412 Great South Rd, Otahuhu. I must acknowledge the tremendous work by our Treasurer, Tasi ‘Ahio in ensuring that an appropriate facility was found, then moved the whole operation from TOA Pacific in a short space of time. Tasi also oversees the operations of the whanau ora service whilst under transitions, and the staff (Susie, Sipinga and Tina) have been great in making sure there is a smooth transition. From this new office, we will be able to host meetings and workshops for our community groups.
  • Supporting of Toko project to address youth suicide and ‘AnauMelie elderly group.
  • Strengthening relationship with TAASA collectively where ATHWA will work and share office space with TAASA. These 2 organisations will share resources and expenditures so that operations for both can be effectively provided from one facility. There is a huge potential for both organisations to grow and develop further given there will be an economy of scale from this partnership.
  • Continued involvement with the church communities. We were very blessed to host a meeting that both the President of the Siasi Uesiliana Tauataina ‘o Tonga and the President Uniting Church of Tonga in NZ attended. Attendees of this meeting were leaders, Academic colleagues and elders from the Tongan community. This was an opportunity to forge good working relationships with our Tongan Churches both here in Aotearoa or back in our homeland.
  • Through the partnership with TAASA as part of the collective ATHWA will be able:
  • To share resources: office space, equipment, IT, assistance with financial reports.
  • Support for Management committee
  • Review of Strategic Plan
  • Formulation of the Implementation Plan
  • Establishing a formal relation with TASANOC and other sports federations through MOU with TAASA.
  • Plan to update website
  • Major realignment of how the Association works in order to take it to the next level by fostering a spirit of professionalism (i.e. through what has been achieved through this contract)
  • Obtaining administration flexi wage from MSD.


The changes in the funding environment due to the economic downturn within the last 5 years have seen a lot changes occurring. These changes have had an impact on non-for profit organisations including ATHWA. However, we have continued to provide support to our Tongan community even with very little resources, something that we have done successfully in the past.

These changes also highlighted the direction the current government continue to take, which encouraged working in collaborations with others to deliver services to the community. This is evident from the formation of the Professional Organisations (TNA, ‘ĀKIHEUHO, Fijian Nurses, Samoan Nurses, Tokelau Nurses, CINA, Niue?) by MOH and that PMA was overseeing. Currently, Pacific Perspective provides this consultancy services focusing on solutions for Pacific Community. According to their website, they specialise in Pacific inputs to strategy, public policy advice and how services are delivered to achieve high quality outcomes. They work extensively (but not exclusively) in the Health and Social Services sectors.

However, changes also provide opportunity for ATHWA to work in partnership with other community groups like TAASA, ‘Anaumelie, Taulanga U and others to deliver promotion activities in a HOLISTIC manner. The establishment of the TOKO project created a huge sense of achievement of which ‘ĀKIHEUHO can be proud of because members of our group have been the champions (Pauline and Alisi) in driving this project. The establishment of ‘Anaumelie demonstrates that ATHWA can work with any group right across the continuum of care from cradle to the grave.

We have been able to get a little bit of funding from MSD to assist with the administration role in the past and again more recently we have received more assistance from Work & Income, so I would like to acknowledge Kuli Taumoefolau for his support in getting this fund. We will continue to form significant relationship with others who can contribute to our vision and mission to support our Tongan community.

In summary ‘ĀKIHEUHO/ATHWA continues to make progress in its development as an organisation. The structure and mechanism that has been established will enable the association to provide quality services to our Tongan community. The ongoing support by our members is paramount for the success of the Association. My hope is that we continue to support our Tongan community the best we can and to leave a legacy for others to continue with ‘ĀKIHEUHO visions.”

Tu’a ‘Ofa atu

 Manu Fotu
